The lake is a 28,000 acre-foot lake with great fishing, located seven miles southeast of Eastland. Lake Leon offers some of the area's best bass fishing, and holds the Kingdom Course Golf Course and Solid Rock Camps as well as Lake Point and La Mancha on its shores. Most known for its largemouth bass tournament fishing, the reservoir also supports excellent populations of channel catfish, sunfish, and white bass. There are two public boat ramps with camping areas, and four private camping & recreational areas. The Texas Parks and Wildlife website has detailed information and demographics about Lake Leon.
Accommodations on Lake Leon
La Mancha RV Park & Cabins
402 Country Road 567
Eastland, TX 76448
Solid Rock RV Park
2250 Hwy 2461
Eastland, TX 76448
Leon Dam RV Park
Eastland Co. Water Supply District
Rt. 1, Box 157
Eastland, Texas 76470
Lake Keeper: 254-647-1976
The lake is located north-west of downtown on FM 3101. There is one unimproved (gravel) boat launch area near the bridge and several angler access points, including one at the dam. At 100 acres, it has plenty of water to support a variety of good sport fish populations, including largemouth bass, crappie, catfish and white bass. There is a good, under-fished population of largemouth bass in this lake. Some nice crappie are present as well.